Flagaholics Elite 20 Essential College Hacks for Freshmen 2024

Flagaholics Elite 20 Essential College Hacks for Freshmen 2024

  • Never procrastinate: Stay on top of your assignments and study schedules to prevent last-minute panic. A little daily discipline goes a long way.
  • Study at the library instead of in your dorm room: The library is a treasure trove of resources and a quieter environment than your dorm room for serious study sessions.
  • Choose friends who are serious about school: Surround yourself with peers who are as serious about their education as you are. They'll inspire and motivate you.
  • Do not skip class: Each class is a step towards your degree. Regular attendance is key to not falling behind.
  • Use the breaks (spring break and Thanksgiving) to study: Use your spring break and Thanksgiving break to catch up or get ahead with your studies.
  • Get up early to keep your biorhythm in sync with sunlight: Waking up early aligns your body rhythm with natural light, boosting mood and productivity.
  • Avoid dessert. The standard meal plan is a massive temptation for weight gain: Avoid desserts and high-calorie traps in the dining hall to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Exercise regularly (at least 4 days a week) to keep up your energy and your mood: Most colleges have a great gym. Take advantage of your college gym and stay active at least four days a week to enhance your energy and mood.
  • Major in something analytical (math, physics, accounting, statistics, economics, computing) but minor in something you truly love (art, music, history, literature): Major in analytical fields like economics or computing but pursue your passion through a minor in arts or literature.
  • If you are truly struggling academically consider transferring to a less competitive school as soon as possible. It is better to have a practical degree from a less competitive school than to have a silly degree from a prestige college: 
  • Avoid all students who drink heavily or use recreational drugs. Fewer, higher quality friends are always far more valuable than many shallow friendships.
  • Take intimate relationships seriously. At no future time in your life will you have the opportunity to meet this many high quality available people. If you meet the right person seriously consider making some sort of commitment.
  • Sit toward the front of the class. You will pay better attention.
  • By far the most effective study technique is to design your own tests and use those to practice repeatedly well ahead of midterms.
  • Expect to write several drafts (on separate days) of every paper you right. You never get it right the first time.
  • Never let your notebooks, papers, or files get messy or disorganized. Orderly school materials convey to yourself that you are in control of your academic world. You always save time by maintaining order.
  • Never let your room get messy. A messy room is always demoralizing.
  • Do not have video games, television, or other major distractions in your room.
  • Do your laundry the same day each week.
  • Use the summer to get a head start on course materials. Having a habit of learning while not under pressure will develop your curiosity and improve your attitude toward school.
  • By embracing these hacks, you'll set yourself up for a successful and enjoyable college experience. Remember, college is not just about academics; it's about growing as an individual and making lifelong connections. Make the most of it with Flagaholics, and let's make your college years unforgettable! Check out our website for more tips and all your dorm decorating needs. Happy studying!
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